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How does COVID 19 pandemic unveiled the failed education system in rural India.

Manage your school with EasyEduLab and defeat COVID 19 challenges

Let’s begin with the time when the Government of India declared to Lock down the nation in order to break the chain of the speedy spread of the novel Coronavirus disease. It all started with a discourse to stay at home and keep a social distance. For educational institutions and candidates, it was the period of board exams, and students got entangled with the decisions since some of their exams were still left. If I am not wrong, this was impacting huge mass of students not less than millions.

However, Govt. of India, relaxed some criteria and anyway published results in July 2020 and promoted their grade but the problem was still unsolved. The main issue still remains the same “How would students carry forward their further study”.

Neither Govt. of India issued any directions nor educational institutions came up with a solution to hold the connectivity between students and teachers. The premiere schools/colleges managed to get their platforms ready to hold up their students but what about rural areas where hardly people knows about internet use?

When EasyEdulab person visited schools in a rural areas, we were astonished to know many of these schools are on the verge of complete closure. There is no communication between students and school administrations. Students are managing themselves to continue their studies through relatives and available digital classes. But the fact was that these digital classes through apps like zoom and JioMeet are not feasible for these students.

                        How could you connect teacher and student during COVID 19

Now it is going to be August’2020 means almost half of the academic year passed away without any progress. Though CBSE has rationalized its syllabus for this academic year it still looks difficult to complete for rural areas. It is not sure but definitely, many of them are going to have a year back. This is even more challenging for students who were about to graduate this year and appear for government exams.

Here is a list of challenges faced by educational institutions in rural areas

  1. Low internet penetration in remote areas
  2. Low bandwidth of internet and limited data plans
  3. Digital classes through apps like zoom and JioMeet are not feasible for students up to K 12 standards, since it lacks interactive perspective and study materials/Assignments in hard copy.
  4. The video lessons available need high-speed internet to stream videos
  5. Rural people are not much aware of internet usage mainly lower grade students from 6th to 10th standards.
  6. Many families are economically challenged to afford costly smartphones/laptops and monthly data plan
  7. Schools have not digitized yet, due to less demand for online classes and the cost involved to upgrade infrastructure like computers/internet etc.

Therefore, it is the perfect time for a rural educational institution to get on board and digitalized with EasyEdulab’s cloud-based online software. Hopefully, the COVID19 pandemic will end soon.

How does EasyEdulab solve most of the problems mentioned above

  1. EasyEdulab App/website doesn’t need high bandwidth and speedy internet.
  2. Some of the basic features like sharing Assignments and study material are made easy. Click to see the demo of the assignment feature of the software.
  3. Sharing and monitoring assignments don’t consume more data and can easily be assessed in rural areas.
  4. Teachers and Students can interact with each other while managing all study-related content at one platform.
  5. The pricing and plan offered by EasyEdulab for software installation is very cheap and designed as per the requirement of rural needs.
  6. Last but not least, EasyEdulab is cloud-based online software that
  7. you can access through computers as well as smartphones.

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