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In this era of digital world, people wake up with smartphones, social media and blah blah news. Even while travelling, driving, or in schools they need their gadgets in hand, doesn’t matter if it is in use or not.

The most effected community among them is students who spend most of their time either on social media like WhatsApp and video streaming websites like YouTube. Most of them are fooling around their parents that they surfing internet for study related materials.

Particularly, during present scenario of Lock down due to COIVD 19 Pandemic when Schools, Colleges and Tuition centers are closed and Parent have brought new laptop/smartphones to their children to carry on study digitally. Internet has many benefits but it doesn’t seems like effective for secondary schools students who are not having exact idea to do on internet.

Students can stick to these 5 habits to have efficient and competitive mind

  1. Waking up early in morning and not looking up for gadgets till breakfast: When students wake up with their gadgets, they get feeds from social media and blah blah news which encircle their minds with manipulated thoughts. These thoughts keep running through out day even during their study. That is why they keep on checking on gadgets every few minutes to get real time feed. Hence, it is like their mind already in traffic jam situation, they couldn’t be able to focus on study and spend all day surfing irrelevant topics.
  2. Do exercise or yoga after waking up: when you wake up early in the morning with fresh mind and go for exercise or yoga, it is like time to self evaluation when you think about about your full day plan and pending tasks. In this way you can make your day effective with early assessment during start of the day. Rest you need to focus on study whatever you have decided and planned to complete.
  3. Complete your pending works in morning prime time: It is very necessary to do the revision work and pending work during early morning slot, because this is the time when you have no tasks other these items.
  4. Start your study schedule with reading books instead reading on digital platform: Book reading is very good habit for building focus and do thorough study. Most of the students do mistakes who starts surfing on internet about the course and got confused with infinitely many available options. This takes a huge slice of timetable without any effective results. But if you start your study with a reference book like NCERT, it gives idea about your queries which can search on internet or refer any digital platform for solution.
  5. Last but not the least, try to complete the work daily: Generally students are relaxed in the days of lock down when schools are closed and there is no mandatory obligations to complete the homework. Such a lax study approach would spoil their disciplined habits which in return is going to hamper their efficiency and results.

School administration can also come up with solution to integrate with the students in solving their necessary problems related to studies. For this EasyEduLab provide cloud based solution to manage, track and improve schools operations. With us, Schools can manage students, teachers and assignments on real time basis and can also communicate with the parents.

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